Protecting The Roof Over Your Head

Winter can be tough on many parts of a home — our windows, porches, and driveways take quite a beating with all the snow and ice. But did you know that your roof is one of the most vulnerable areas?

No matter what material your roof is made of, snow and ice can cause severe and expensive damage. If left untended, the result could be water damage that trickles inside.

Consider some of these tips to protect your roof this season:

1. Hire a professional snow removal company. If your roof is particularly high, it’s much safer to hire a professional snow removal service to clear the snow off.

2. Use binoculars. You can check the condition of your roof by using binoculars; in most cases, you can see everything you need without having to climb up there.

3. Rake it up. Use a rake to force built-up snow onto the ground if absolutely necessary. This is a quick fix but not a solution – as you are not attacking the source of the problem the costs associated with them are recurring. This is also not the most cost effective method nor does it allow you to get the most life out of your roof decking material.

4. Prevent ice buildup. Ice can be a sign of future problems if it accumulates on your roof for an extended period of time. Rain and ice shields and a drip edge can help melt the ice buildup away without creating a leak. Preventing ice dams can be the best step you take in defending your roof from damage.

5. Do warm weather installations. Consider installing electric radiant heat in the warmer months to keep your roof temperature above freezing during the cold of winter.

Source: Homeservice Club of Canada