Plumbing Preparedness

As temperatures dip, the calls for emergency plumbing repairs soar. In fact, the insurance bureau reports that water damage is now the leading cause of property damage.



But here are steps homeowners can take to prevent floods and keep damage to a minimum:

  • Let everyone in the house know where the main shut-off valve is located. Periodically spray the valve stem with a lubricant so it operates smoothly.
  • If you are going away for more than three days this winter, have someone check the house to make sure the furnace is still on.
  • Keep the temperature in your home at 16C to 18C while you are on vacation to save money and prevent pipes from freezing.
  • Remember to drain and turn off outside faucets before the first freeze.
  • Do not run water-using appliances when there is no one at home. A minor leak in a dishwasher or clothes washer hose can cause major damage if left untended.
  • Wrap outdoor pipes in attics and crawl spaces with insulation.
  • Periodically inspect fittings and hoses connections on sinks and appliances.
  • Check that walkways and patios have not settled, directing water runoff toward the house. Have repairs made to remedy the problem.
  • Clear snow away from the foundation.
  • Make sure downspouts are directed away from the house and extend at least six feet out from the foundation.

Courtesy: Homeservice Club