New Year’s Resolutions For Your Home

Most of us make a resolution or two as the new year rolls around; hit the gym more often, drop a few pounds, shake those bad habits. Homeowners, too, should make a few resolutions of their own that will pay off in lower expenses and higher real estate value:

Maintain your home – It makes economic sense to keep what is likely your biggest investment in tip-top shape. A well-maintained home shows well and pays off in increased resale value. It also lowers costs less in the long run by preventing minor repairs left untended from becoming major expenses.

Fund your home improvements – Government grants are available to help improve the energy efficiency of your home. Upgrade your home’s insulation, install a high-efficiency furnace, improve the caulking and weatherstripping around doors and windows, or replace windows and doors with new, energy-efficient models. For details on funding, visit Natural Resources Canada’s website..

Beat the winter blues – Getting rid of the clutter in our lives can lead to feelings of well-being…and make your home show better! The long days of winter are ideal for organizing your home. Get out some boxes and tackle a closet or room a day. Take everything out, and sort into piles for “keep”, “store” and “throw out.” Box the unwanted items for charity.

Give your decor a lift –Book a consultation with an interior decorator. An expert can help you decide on colour schemes and give you a step-by-step plan to accomplish the changes you want. Once you decide on what needs to be done and how you want to change it, call in the experts for a quote. Take advantage of the January sales to buy new furniture, bedding, carpeting and drapes.

It doesn’t take much. Just a coat of paint, a new piece or two of furniture and a throw rug and drapes can transform a room at little expense and help beat those January blahs.

Courtesy: Homeservice Club