April Showers Bring…a Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

Although it might not quite feel like spring yet, there are a few chores that can be crossed off your spring checklist this month, in the hope that warmer weather is just around the corner.

April Checklist

1. Take advantage of any warm days this month to inspect your yard. Check trees for storm damage and book appointments with tree specialists to have trees pruned and damaged branches removed.

2. Clean the winter grime off windows this month or book an appointment to have them professionally cleaned.

3. Keep an eye on your eavestroughs this month. Look for icicle formations that indicate blockages or leaks. Now is the time to clear out any debris that may have accumulated over the winter. Have broken hangers and split troughs repaired before the spring rains.

4. Take a walk around your property and look at how your home’s exterior weathered the winter. Watch for cracks and other signs of moisture penetration. Also watch for blistering or peeling paint that could mask a more serious problem.

5. Call this month for quotes on patios, deck repairs and landscaping before the contractors are booked. The quicker you get projects started, the more time you will have to enjoy your yard this summer!

6. Make an appointment to have your central air conditioning system checked and cleaned so it is ready to go when the warm weather finally arrives.

7. If you have had renovation work done inside your home it might be a good idea to have the ducts cleaned of dust and debris.

8. Take advantage of the occasional warm days in April to give your lawn a vigorous raking. Clean up the garden and turn the soil to ready it for spring planting next month.

9. If you haven’t already, check and change the batteries of smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors this month.

10. Energy-efficient replacement windows brighten your home’s interior, and might qualify for government grants.

11. Get your power tools ready for summer. Check and clean your lawn mower, or take it in for servicing this month.

Courtesy: Homeservice Club