Air Quality – Keep it Clean This Winter

The efficiency of your heating system is a measure of how snug and warm your home will be this winter, so it makes sense to keep it in peak operating performance.

An efficient, well-maintained heating system also contributes to the quality of the air you and your family breathe. In today’s tightly-sealed homes indoor pollutants are trapped, contributing to poor air quality, making it more important than ever to clean and maintain the components of your heating system.

Start by booking an appointment to have a heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) specialist clean and safety-check your furnace. Once the unit is clean, keep it that way by cleaning or changing the filters on the furnace and humidifier every month during the heating season.

Install a high-efficiency ventilation system to ensure good indoor air quality.

Consider having a high-quality, electronic air cleaner installed to improve air quality.

Have carpets cleaned every year to remove pollutants, dust and dirt.

Finally, pay attention to your ductwork. Ducts should be cleaned every four years at a minimum. If you have done any renovation work, had a new furnace or A/C system installed, have moved into a newly-constructed home, or if there are pets, someone with allergies or a smoker living in the home, more frequent cleanings are recommended. According to the National Air Duct Cleaners Association, clogged or dirty ducts can reduce air flow and efficiency, and lead to mechanical problems with the furnace. Clean systems run more efficiently and put less strain on blower motors, extending the life of your furnace.

With an ounce of preventative maintenance, your heating system and its components will work efficiently to keep your home warm and safe all winter long.

Source: Homeservice Club of Canada