Window Replacement in Winter

You may have heard that replacing windows during winter months is a bad idea. This is a common misconception among homeowners, but the truth is, there are some advantages to scheduling your window replacement project during the winter.  Here are the two main reasons:

  • Easy to Schedule: It’s easier to schedule window replacement during the winter because it’s not the busiest season for installation appointments.
  • Immediate Results: When you choose wintertime to replace your windows, you will receive an immediate return on your investment. Your energy costs will be reduced and your house will be warmer.

How Do You Know When it’s Time for Window Replacement?

There are plenty of reasons to replace your old windows. Maybe they’re not keeping cold air out in the winter, or you just want an updated look to your home.  Other reasons are:

  • You can feel air flow coming into your home
  • You can see condensation between your panes
  • You have trouble opening and closing the windows
  • Outside noises are louder than they used to be
  • The windows leak water when it rains

Don’t let the cold weather stand in the way of scheduling your window replacement.  As long as proper precautions are taken during the replacement process, installing new windows during the winter is just as effective as any other time of year. And it’s as good a time as any to enhance the comfort, efficiency and style of your home, and professional installers can do the job lightning fast.

Source: Homeservice Club of Canada