Switch On The “Cool”

If you have turned your thermostat from “Heat” to “Cool”, it is also time to do some routine maintenance. The majority of Canadians make the switch without having the system cleaned and checked, a recipe for trouble down the road. If you don’t want your air conditioning system letting you down on the hottest day of summer, here are a few simple maintenance suggestions:

  • Have your cooling system serviced annually by a qualified heating/cooling contractor. The inspection should include checking the pressure in the refrigeration circuit, cleaning and checking outdoor condenser coils, checking the evaporator, and checking ducts for leaks.
  • Change or clean the furnace filter monthly during the summer. The air conditioner needs the furnace to circulate the air and a dirty filter circulates dust and other particles throughout the house, reducing the system’s efficiency.
  • Operate room air conditioners on timers. Room units will dehumidify a room quickly, so turn them off if there is no one at home.
  • The thermostat should be set approximately seven degrees below the outside temperature. Setting it below 20 degrees Celsius can create problems with your central air system, including freezing up. Ideally, set the thermostat to 25.5°C when at home; 29°C when away.
  • Turn the humidifier off during the summer cooling season. Leaving the humidifier on will only increase the cooling load and force the air conditioner to work harder.
  • To keep the system operating efficiently and save money, raise and lower the temperature at the thermostat rather than turning the system on and off.
  • Invest in reversible ceiling fans to help keep your home comfortable all year long. Look for models that have variable speeds, good warranties, quiet operation, and no wobbling when the fan is circulating. Use fans only when the room is occupied.

Courtesy: Homeservice Club