Happy Labour Day!

Labour Day belongs to all of us, and no one deserves a break more than you do. And aside from BBQs and a bid farewell to summer, Labour Day is when we celebrate the economic and social contributions of workers across Canada.

Sleep In

This Monday, you have permission to sleep in without feeling guilty, and more than the recommended 8 hours; let’s go for a solid 10 this weekend. Don’t set your alarm clock and just allow yourself to sleep in as late as you need to.

Boost Serotonin Levels And Endorphins

Do  something that makes you feel good. This will boost your “happy hormones” (A.K.A. serotonin) and your endorphins. Go for a jog or bike ride, or simply spend time with your loved ones.

Whatever it is that makes you feel good, do it. Just don’t do anything too strenuous. After all, it is Labour Day. That means no hard physical or mental labour!

Find Some Quiet Time

Reflect on all of your successes and be proud of what you’ve accomplished! Taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture will help you refocus on what is truly important in both your business and personal life.

A Day Off Increases Productivity

Taking a day or two (maybe more if you can) to recharge your batteries will help you return to work refreshed and refocused. Sometimes, all it takes is a clear mind to tackle a lingering problem efficiently, supercharge your productivity or envision your future success.

I hope you will consider doing one (if not all) of the above this Labour Day. Regardless of your plans, whether you are working or not, take a moment to acknowledge what you’ve accomplished and just how important the fruits of your labour are.

Source: Homeservice Club of Canada