Air Duct Cleaning – FAQ

Do I need to clean my air ducts if my home is brand new?

Surprisingly, yes. Construction debris is one of the most common types of contamination that is found in air duct systems. Fine particles, such as drywall dust or sawdust, as well as other materials can make their way into your system when the construction crews are cleaning up. The only way to thoroughly remove all of these pollutants from your system is a thorough professional cleaning.

What are the health benefits to having this service performed?

Dust, fungi and bacteria have been shown to collect in the ventilation system. These contaminants are widely believed to be potentially harmful to your health, possibly irritating or triggering certain allergies. The removal of these contaminants from your HVAC system should be viewed as one step in improving the overall quality of air in your home.

Will having my air ducts cleaned reduce my energy bills?

Dirt and debris may collect in your ventilation system, blocking ductwork and key components of the furnace, including the evaporator coil and blower. Build-up of these contaminants in the furnace can restrict airflow, causing your system to work harder and longer, thus requiring more energy. By cleaning the entire HVAC system, you may not only see an increase in system efficiency (and thus lower energy bills), you can also extend the life of your furnace or air conditioning system by reducing wear and tear.

How frequently should air ducts be cleaned?

There are a number of factors that affect how long your HVAC system can go between cleanings, including the type of floor coverings in the home, how often these floor coverings are vacuumed, the type of filters used in the HVAC system, the presence of pets, etc. The general rule of thumb is to have the system thoroughly cleaned every 2 to 3 years.

How do I know if my system needs to be cleaned?

There are some basic questions you can ask yourself that will help you determine whether or not you should have your air ducts professionally cleaned. Here are a few examples:

  • Do you have smokers in the house? And if so, how many of them smoke on a regular basis?
  • Do you have pets?
  • Have you noticed dust trails coming out of your registers?
  • Are you constantly dusting bookshelves, furniture with little or no result?
  • Does anyone in your family suffer from the following symptoms: headaches, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, itchy and watery eyes, nose or throat irritation, dry cough, dry or itching skin, difficulty concentrating, allergies, cold, flu-like symptoms, increased incidence of asthma attacks and mood swings?
  • Has it been more than 3 years since your last air duct cleaning?
  • Are you having problems with furnace airflow?
    Have you recently moved into a new home?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it may be time for you to consider having your air duct system professionally cleaned!

Courtesy: Homerservice Club of Canada